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LinkLicense TouchLink Control Upgrade

SKU 79-2577-01
by Extron

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Extron Control System LinkLicenses are feature upgrades for a broad variety of Extron Pro Series control products. These LinkLicenses unlock enhanced features and capabilities, provide easy upgrade paths, and enrich the overall experience of deploying and using AV control systems.

LinkLicense® is a quick, cost-effective way to add even more powerful capabilities to Extron products. Each type of LinkLicense unlocks a unique set of features that add convenience and expand the functionality available in your system. It is applied per-system, enabling you to enhance the capabilities and performance where and when you need it. Activating a LinkLicense on a product is quick and effortless, so you can take immediate advantage of all the benefits.

LinkLicense for TouchLink Control

LinkLicense for TouchLink Control provides system design flexibility by adding control capabilities to TLP Pro 525 Series, TLP Pro 725 Series, TLP Pro 1025 Series, or TLP Pro 300M touchpanels. This LinkLicense enables Ethernet control of AV devices directly from the touchpanel. It also works with the optional TLCA 1 TouchLink Control Adapter. When connected to the touchpanel, the TLCA 1 adds traditional control ports such as bidirectional serial ports, a digital input, an IR port, and relays.


Unique Features

  • Adds control capabilities to TLP Pro 525 Series, TLP Pro 725 Series, TLP Pro 1025 Series, or TLP Pro 300M touchpanels
  • Enables Ethernet control of AV devices directly from the touchpanel Works with TLCA 1 TouchLink Control Adapter connected to the touchpanel to add traditional control ports
  • Simplifies system designs