104-AO12-4 PC/104 Analog Output Board, PC/104 4-ch 12-bit AO 24 DIO
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104-AO12-4 PC/104 Analog Output Board 4 channels, 12-bit resolution. Digital Input/Output: 24 parallel bits (two 8 bit ports, two 4 bit ports). Timer/Counter: Type 82C54 (3x16 bit). Two Industry Standard 50 pin header I/O connectors.FLEXIBILITY
The following functions are available in many configurations giving the user the ability to specify exactly what inchs needed. Interrupts are individually or globally enabled or disabled via software. A status register is provided to determine the interrupt source.
Output ranges of 0-5V, 0-10V, ±5V and ±10V, are field selectable with jumpers. Note that four conversions may take place at once and that, since the D/As are double buffered, data for the next conversion may be loaded simultaneously.
The circuit uses an 82C54 (3 sixteen bit counter/timers). The user has access to each counter/timer inchs gate, clock, and output signals. The output of counter two can be used to generate an interrupt. The software package supports counting events, frequency output, pulse and frequency measurement.
The circuit uses an 82C55A PPI with mode 0 supported. Ports A and B (16 lines) are buffered and pulled up to 5V. Port C features Change of State detection.
The package includes a setup program detailing all jumper settings. Also included are IRQ drivers, samples for DOS, and utilities for Windows operating systems (Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP and 2003). Full register-level support for use in custom real-time or embedded operating systems.